Mike Zhang

Mike Zhang

Postdoc (2024–)

Aalborg University

Hello there! My name is Mike Zhang. I’m a Postdoc in NLP at Aalborg University (AAU, Copenhagen campus) advised by Prof. Johannes Bjerva and Prof. Euan Lindsay. My research is currently at the intersection of NLP and Education. Additionally, I’m affiliated to the Pioneer Centre for Artifical Intelligence.

Previously, I was a PhD Student in NLP at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) advised by Prof. Barbara Plank and Prof. Rob van der Goot. I was part of NLPnorth at ITU and MaiNLP at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). I worked on Computational Job Market Analysis (or NLP for HR), where we investigated how to extract information (e.g., skills) from job ads data and match these to existing resources (e.g., taxonomies).

I am interested in:

  • NLP x Education (Postdoc): Can we improve students’ learning by giving them automatic feedback from NLP tools (e.g., language models)? How can we do this over time?
  • NLP x HR (PhD): How can we extract relevant skills from job ads and in what way can we match them with existing taxonomies to assist job centers matching candidates to jobs better?
  • Resource Creation: My general interests are mostly on resource creation; such as developing annotation guidelines for data annotation, (multilingual) datasets creation in both general and specific domains, and language model training on small and large scale.
  • NLP Applications
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2024

    IT University of Copenhagen

  • MS Information Science, 2020

    University of Groningen

  • BS Information Science, 2018

    University of Groningen
